Cyber Essentials Framework

At Intology, we provide comprehensive Cyber Essentials Audit Support to help organisations achieve Cyber Essentials certification. Our dedicated team of cybersecurity experts will guide you through the entire certification process, ensuring that your organisation meets all the necessary criteria to safeguard against common online threats. From defining the scope of certification to implementing essential security measures, we offer tailored solutions that fit your unique business needs. By partnering with Intology, you can demonstrate your commitment to cybersecurity, enhance your digital defences, and gain the trust of your clients and stakeholders. Achieving Cyber Essentials certification not only strengthens your cyber resilience but also provides a competitive edge in today's digital landscape.

Our IT Solutions

Intology Tech - Our Mission

At Intology Tech, our mission is to provide unparalleled technology and IT consultancy advisory services, as well as top-of-the-line cybersecurity endpoint and email software, continuity backup software, and Microsoft software. As part of the Intology group of companies, we are dedicated to providing innovative solutions to help our clients stay ahead of the curve.

Our Mission